how to say sharp in chinese

jiān From 小 ‘small’ + 大 ‘big’ (a pointed object moving from one to the other). Compounds 尖锐 jiānruì – sharp, pointed, …

how to say see in chinese

jiàn To see. This is the 147th radical, [of characters relating to sight, perception. Some explain it as an eye 目, on …

how to say walk in chinese

zǒu To walk, to travel, to hasten, to depart. The 156th radical. The seal character above represents a man bending over to …

how to say heart in chinese

xīn Heart, a picture in the seal writing. 61st radical. It shows the pericardium opened, the lobes and the aorta below. (W. …


shǒu The hand,handy,skilled,workman. It is the radical, No. 64. When written at the side called  提手 dīshǒu. is the picture of a side …

chinese character symbol for friend

péng A friend, companion, peer. Now composed of two moons; but it has nothing to do with 月 yuè, the radical of …

chinese character symbol for nail

dīng A nail (a picture) Compounds 园丁 yuándīng – gardener, horticulturist 拉丁美洲 Lādīng Měizhōu – Latin America 丁香 dīngxiāng – lilac, clove …

chinese word for short tail bird

zhuī Short-tailed birds, is the radical, No. 172. The seal forms show it to be a picture of a bird with a …

knife in chinese character symbol

dāo Knife a picture of a knife; the 18th radical. Compounds 刀子 dāozi – knife 剪刀 jiǎndāo – scissors Learn more about …


zú The foot, a picture of a foot; enough, full, pure. It is the 157th chinese radical. ⻊ (when used as a …
